Dogs must be identified by a microchip that can be read by an Avid, Trovan, Destron or other ISO compatible reader. Microchip must be scanned and recorded at each vet visit.
Titer Test
Wait 3-4 weeks between the rabies vaccination and the blood sample collection for the RNAT test. If the dog has a history of regular rabies vaccinations, it may be possible to collect the blood sample sooner. A result of 0.5 IU/ml or more is acceptable. The RNAT test is valid for 24 months from the date of blood sampling.
Your pet shipping agent will apply for the quarantine space for your pet after the import permit has been received.
Canis Testing
If the dog is desexed, it doesn’t need testing for Brucellosis (evidence of desexing may be requested by the competent authority in the exporting country or the department).
If the dog is not desexed, a government-approved veterinarian must scan and verify the animal’s microchip and collect a blood sample to be tested for Brucella Canis using a Rapid Slide Agglutination Test (RSAT), a Tube Agglutination Test (TAT) or an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) within 45 days before the date of export.
The test must produce a negative result.
The dog must be examined by a government approved veterinarian or an official government veterinarian and found to be free from external parasites and clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease within five (5) days before export. An official government veterinarian must complete, sign and stamp all pages of the veterinary health certificate.